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Developed International Stocks and US Stocks: Declines from All-Time Highs Since 1970

Developed International Stocks and US Stocks.png

Emerging-Markets Stocks’ Range of Returns Narrows as Time Horizon Extends

Emerging Markets Stocks.png

Developed International Stocks’ Range of Returns Narrows as Time Horizon Extends

Developed International Stocks.png

Rolling Five-Year Return Differential: US Stocks-International Stocks Since 1975

Rolling Five-Year Return Differential.png

European and Emerging Markets Stocks are Trading at a Significant Discount to US Stocks Since 2005

European and Emerging-Markets.png

Shiller CAPE Ratio Since 1900

Shiller CAPE Ratio.png

Rolling 10-Year Outperformance: US Stocks vs International Stocks

Rolling 10-Year Outperformance.png

Fed Tightening and Recession Often Coincide Since 1965

Fed Tightening and Recession.png

Volatility Returned in 2018, Since 1999

Volatility Returned in 2018.png

2018 Was an Extremely Difficult Year for Financial Markets

2018 Was an Extremely Difficult.png

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