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US Total Market Capitalization

US Total Market Capitalization.jpg

U.S. Wage Growth

U.S. Wage Growth.png

U.S. Median Home Price Trends

U.S. Median Home Price Trends.png

U.S. 10 Year Treasury Yields Since 1790

U.S. 10 Year Treasury Yields Since 1790.png

Traditional 60/40 Portfolio Alternatives

Traditional 60-40 Portfolio Alternatives.png

The Spectrum of Potential Reverse Mortgage Uses

The Spectrum of Potential Reverse Mortgage Uses.png

The Relative Value of $100

The Relative Value of $100.jpg

Summary of New (Updated) Long-Run Expected Real Returns

Summary of New (Updated) Long-Run Expected Real Returns.png

State and Local Pensions, Unfunded Liabilitied(1950-2015)

State and Local Pensions, Unfunded Liabilitied(1950-2015).jpg

Since 1995 Global Pensions Have Increased Their Exposure to Alternatives From 5% to 25%

Since 1995 Global Pensions Have Increased Their Exposure to Alternatives From 5% to 25%.png

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