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Dismal Real GDP Growth in the Horrible Great Recession


MSCI Europe Value vs. MSCI Europe Growth


Relationship of Stock Returns with GDP Growth over the Long Term


65 Years and Older Americans vs. Other Countries


Déclarations Fiscales des Comptes en France

1. Les U.S. persons (citoyens, carte verte, résident de plus de 183 jours aux Etats-Unis) doivent déclarer les comptes en dehors des Etats-Unis si la valeur totale de ces comptes sont supérieurs à $10,000.

Harmonisation du taux d'imposition des plus-values immobilières réalisées par les non-résidents

Hier, le 5 décembre 2014, notre Assemblée nationale a adopté un amendement au projet de loi de finances rectificative pour 2014 tendant à harmoniser le taux d’imposition des plus-values immobilières réalisées par les non-résidents. Cette mesure met fin à l'injustice de nos compatriotes vivant aux Etats-Unis qui sont actuellement imposés au taux de 33,33% pour les plus-values immobilières.

Global Reserve currencies since 1450


Longevity Risk: The Biggest Real Retirement Risk You Haven’t Covered

This isn’t our parents’ or grandparents’ retirement anymore. Just a few decades ago, many retirees enjoyed the full benefits of the “three-legged stool” of retirement provide by guaranteed pension payments, savings, and Social Security.

Are Advisory Fees Tax Deductible?

It’s tax season again, and a question we get from a number of clients after receiving their yearend statements is, “Are my investment advisory fees tax deductible?” And the answer is an equivocal, “It depends.”

Understanding Your True Risk Tolerance is Vital to Portfolio Performance

As anyone would have expected, the extraordinary convergence of extreme stock market volatility, low interest rates, declining home values, diminished retirement savings accounts, and chronic economic sluggishness has taken a severe toll on the American psyche. For many investors, it may have forever altered the way in which risk is perceived and managed.

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