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For Long-Term Investors Fees Really Do Matter

After costs, the return on the average actively managed dollar will be less than the return on the average passively managed dollar for any time period.
—William F. Sharpe, 1990 Nobel Laureate

How Confirmation Bias Could be Hurting your Investment Performance

Have you made up your mind on just about everything, even before you know what it is? For instance, when you meet someone, is your opinion of the person formed from the first impression? Or, when you hear a political argument from the other side, is your mind opened or closed? Are you able to concede the “good points” the other side make, or do you dismiss the whole argument?

U.S. Inflation Periods


Financial Crises Employment Loss


Long-Term Annualized Returns- S&P 500 vs. Average Equity Fund Investor


Post-war Bull Market Returns and Duration


Big Picture- Rates Have Returned to a Low Range, But There's Still Room for Fluctuation


Average Historical Real U.S. GDP Growth by Decade


Bond Returns Helped Offset Stock Market Declines


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