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Wealth Management

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How much equity should you own?


Market Timing is Very Difficult


Stocks and Bonds Rolling 36-month Performance Correlations


Starting to collect Social Security later could help to live a better retirement


Greed and Fear are your enemies!


Missing Top-Performing Days Can Hurt Your Return


Many People Will Exceed the Average Life Expectancy For Their Age Group


Best of BFM: Summary of 11 Newsletters to Help You Live the Life You Want

To start the New Year, we offer you a summary of some of our past newsletters over the past three years.

Longevity Risk: The Biggest Real Retirement Risk You Haven’t Covered

This isn’t our parents’ or grandparents’ retirement anymore. Just a few decades ago, many retirees enjoyed the full benefits of the “three-legged stool” of retirement provide by guaranteed pension payments, savings, and Social Security.

Are Advisory Fees Tax Deductible?

It’s tax season again, and a question we get from a number of clients after receiving their yearend statements is, “Are my investment advisory fees tax deductible?” And the answer is an equivocal, “It depends.”

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